Ensemble. Communication. Empathy.
We tell stories. We welcome yours.
Permafrost Theatre Collective was officially launched in October of 2018. The company itself was created to act as an artistic home for multidisciplinary artists who wanted to push the boundaries of what theater and storytelling can do.
We welcome artists who don’t quite fit into the traditional realm of conventional theater. We believe that everyone has a voice and a story to tell. We are here to give them the platform to tell it.
The Icebreaker Series
Our flagship program is a new-work incubator series that celebrates works in progress from up-and-coming artists. The Collective presents work that spans the far reaches of storytelling through theatre, music, and film while commenting on the human experience.
The Attic Series
This is a workshop series that centers imaginative play and different types of storytelling within a production. Led by PTC artists Christina Rose Ashby and Thomas Burns Scully, this series pushes the realm of theatrical possibility through text, song, music, dance, dynamic movement, and puppetry. Through months-long rehearsals and multiple workshop performances, The Attic Series explores literature, imagination, and emotions that were once gathering dust in the attic of memory.
Theatre On The Rocks
This new series within PTC will feature fully produced new works by early-career playwrights. Through this series, we aim to tell stories that are rooted in the ensemble and that value honest communication and empathy for the human condition. Our belief is that there is more than one way to tell a story and we are dedicated to breaking ground to find new ways to keep theatre innovative and accessible.
What Others Say About Us
“[The High Priestess] is a thought provoking and highly emotional production that isn't afraid to show it…It mixes theatrical and cinematic elements, using the best of both mediums and creating a truly dynamic night of theater.”
— Holly P. Strange, critic
“In binding together both Poe’s words and those of the performers, [Poe’s Children] takes flight as a piece of energetic yet reflective family drama…It’s the kind of tribute Poe may well have welcomed, and it also gives a new voice to some of the characters in his writings, the weird and wonderful tales in which he still manages to chill our bones.”
— Louise Penn, critic
"[Are You Alice] reaffirms kindness to oneself and others as a central answer to the many problems in life. Lewis Carroll would be proud."
— Jacob Goldbas, critic
'Are You Alice: A New Wonderland Tale’ is an astounding show. It looks at how Alice questions her sense of womanhood, identity, and self-acceptance when she enters Wonderland…I was crying walking down the street after this show. Everything about it is excellent.”
— James Sullivan, critic