The High Priestess
Written by Andrew Martini
Directed by Rachel B Karp
Director of Photography - George Redner
Lighting Design and Assistant Camera Operator - Amara McNeil
Filmed and streamed on location at the Dragon's Egg Studio in Ledyard, CT
On the eve of Claudia Holcomb's sixtieth birthday, her estranged daughter returns home, bringing with her sinister memories from the past. As the Holcomb family unearths these haunting truths, and new revelations threaten to tear apart an already fractured family, Claudia's mortality is thrown into sharp relief and she must begin to question her faith in the mysterious forces of the universe.
Cast: Sandra Laub, Ziggy Schulting, Mel Gonzales, Iris Rhian, Khandis Merritt, and Peter Quinones.